Hear that sound? It’s Jack Frost knocking on your door. Winter will soon be bringing ice, snow, and frigid temperatures into our everyday lives – is your house prepared? Today we’ll discuss some Kokomo home improvement tips to help you safeguard your home against this year’s round of winter weather.
Below are some helpful winter home preparation hints from the Kokomo home improvement professionals of Hearn Construction.
Insulate: A drafty house can be torture in winter. Make sure that your walls and attic have sufficient insulation before winter hits. Not only will this help keep you toasty throughout the season, it could also save you a bundle on your energy bill. An equally important winter home improvement measure is to properly insulate any exposed piping to avoid frozen or burst pipes.
Windows and Doors: Don’t forget to inspect the weather stripping around your house. Exposed gaps between windows and doors can allow cold air to seep in and warm air to leak out. Replacing deteriorating or damaged weather stripping can minimize the risk of losing heat, and as with proper insulation, help you save big on winter heating bills.
Trust the Professionals: For any big winter prep tasks like window replacement or roofing repairs, trust the professionals. Don’t attempt any large-scale projects that may be out of your reach. DIY has become an increasingly popular way for people to fix-up their homes, but don’t let your hubris lead to a remodeling disaster. When you contact a professional contractor to handle big projects, you’ll be able to enjoy your warm home in the winter with the peace of mind that any issues have been properly handled by an expert.
To make sure your home is winter-ready or for any Kokomo home improvement projects, contact the experts of Hearn Construction at (765) 452-2669. We’ll be more than happy to put our professional knowledge and capable hands to work for you.