In need of an agricultural, industrial, or commercial building? Have you by any chance considered choosing a post frame building? You can save time and money while still receiving a design layout that meets all of your needs. Here are four reasons to choose a post frame and panelized building from the team at Hearn Construction, Inc.

Lower Cost
Post frame buildings are exceptionally affordable as a building method. With no foundation required, the construction requires fewer materials and less manpower leading to a much lower cost. Just the foundation alone can typically cost around 15% of the entire project.
Less Time
As mentioned, there is no foundation required in a post frame building. The posts are buried in the ground at the required depth to support the building. Not only does this save money, but it also saves time since the builders will not have to wait for the concrete to cure. Additionally, there is no need to frame interior walls.
More Flexibility
Since post frame buildings rely on the posts themselves for structural support, and not walls, it leaves the floor plan completely open for design. You could leave the interior open for workshops or storage space, or easily add walls and partitions for livestock. The configurations are endless and are sure to meet any layout needs you require.
Extra Durable
Sturdy posts and heavy-duty roof trusses are directly connected. This combined with the steel used on the exterior of the building makes for a very sturdy structure. Large amounts of snow or strong gusts of wind are of no worry when using this construction method.
Ready to construct your very own post frame and panelized building? Hearn Construction, Inc. is ready to help. Located in Indiana, we design and build industrial projects from start to finish. Contact us today at (765) 452-2669 to request an estimate.